
KZN Liquor Authority


KZN Liquor Authority

Call Us: 087 232 2333
Email Us: info@kznlqa.co.za

Get a Licence

Apply for a license below, off-consumption, special event or on-consumption license

Documents to accompany the application(s)

  1. The applicant must sign and declare under oath that the information contained in the
    application is true and correct.
  2. Proof of payment of the application fee which must be within 3 months of payment
  3. A sketch plan of the premises clearly showing:
    • the dimensions of each room
    • all doors, windows and counters
    • the entries and exits to the premises
    • the street and places to which such entries and exits lead
    • construction material
  4. A description of the premises and size of the premises in square metres with reference to
    the rooms, including kitchens, ablution facilities, store rooms and the service area where
    liquor is to be served.
  5. Where the building is already in operation, colour photographs clearly depicting the
    requirements of point 4 above.
  6. A comprehensive written representation or motivation in support of the application which
    must include:
    • Public interest requirements contemplated in section 48(6) of the Act, which must
      • The need for a liquor outlet in the area
      • The socio-impact of a liquor outlet in the area
      • The capability of the applicant to run the liquor outlet
    • The number of people to be employed.
    • The socio-responsibility program proposed by the applicant in respect of alcohol consumption in relation to the proposed licenced premises.
    • Clearly state all liquor licences, learning institutions, religious institutions and public
      recreational facilities within the proximity of 500 metres of the proposed premises.
    • Detailed security plan of the measures to be taken by the applicant in terms of
      providing security measures for both inside the proposed premises, as well as
      within the circumference of 5 metres outside the proposed premises.
  7. Valid tax clearance certificate of good standing.
  8. Business trading licence issued by the relevant municipality for which the application is
  9. Police clearance certificate issued by the South African Police Service indicating the criminal
    offences of which the applicant has been convicted, if any.
  10. Proof of lawful occupation of the premises, in the form of title deed or a lease agreement in
    the name of the applicant and which is still valid.
  11. If the applicant is a legal business entity constituted in terms of applicable legislation, a
    Black Economic Empowerment rating certificate from a recognised source or an approved
    rating agency as required in terms of the applicable Broad Based Black Economic
    Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No 53 of 2003) and applicable Codes).


The applicant

The applicant must acquire an application form(s) for a liquor licence from the KwaZulu-Natal
Liquor Authority and complete the forms using a checklist and fee list provided with the application

Application Tutorial

Step 1

The applicant must acquire an application form(s) for a liquor licence from the KwaZulu-Natal Liquor Authority complete the forms using a checklist and fee list provided with the application forms

Step 2

Documents to accompany the application(s) checklist

Step 3

The applicant can lodge the application with the Liquor Authority on any Friday of month excluding declared public holidays

Step 4

N.B before an applicant can make any payment they must obtain a banking reference number from our office which can be obtainable through telephone, fax or email


Application for a new licence in terms of section 41 of Act

The applicant must complete the forms in block letters and submit the completed form(s) in
triplicate to the Liquor Authority.

Once the applicant has completed the application and attached the required supportive documentation, the applicant can lodge the application with the Liquor Authority on any Friday of the month excluding declared public holidays.

Application forms

Find & Download All Application
Forms Here

Banking Details

click here to check our banking details for transacting

Categories of licences



On Consumption

Patrons consume liquor on the premises. Patrons are therefore not allowed to leave with liquor.



Off Consumption

Patrons buy liquor to take away, or any establishment that does not provide for the seating of patrons and consumption of liquor within the premises.



Special Events Permit

Granted to a person who intend to engage in the retail sale of liquor at a special event for consumption on the premises.



Micro-manufacture of liquor

Means to produce liquor at or below the prescribed threshold volume determined in terms of section 4(10) of the Liquor Act, 2003 (Act No. 59 of 2003)